Hellgate CSA Week 17

hellgate week 17 collage

This past week was a comparatively small share. We’re still seeing summer vegetables – tomatoes and green beans – and the onslaught of fall apples and pears is upon us. Good thing I like apples and pears!

We got:

1 bunch of mizuna
2 pounds tomatoes (not pictured)
1 bunch carrots
1 bitter melon
1 butternut squash
1 pound green beans
2 pounds bosc pears
2 pounds honeycrisp apples
1 pound empire apples

I donated my butternut squash to a friend who is preparing food for the Occupy Wall Street protestors at Zuccotti Park. I figured that since I grew a bunch of butternut squashes in my garden this year, it wouldn’t hurt me to donate mine to the efforts.

I’m pretty excited about the honeycrisp apples. I’m finishing up the older apples before I bite into these, so I hope to taste one this weekend. The bosc pears would be good cooked in red wine.

I bought some rice bran for fermenting, so some of the carrots will likely be used for that.

Bitter melon continues to plague me.

The tomatoes have gone toward tomato sauce. They were pretty awesome!

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